Concrete and Community – Deeply Affordable and Public Housing in Northwest Washington is project inspired and funded by Humanities DC. This website is a production of Education Plus 2 (EP2)  with financial and production support from the Black Student Fund (BSF) EP2 is a 501c (3) non–profit community-based organization, located in Washington DC. EP2 specializes in services for children, youth, and their families who live in underserved urban communities, and who are at high risk for poverty and being subjected to crime and other social ills. EP2 work touches residents in Ward 1 and Ward 4 public and affordable housing.


Concrete and Community – Deeply Affordable and Public Housing in Northwest Washington will document the stories, demographics, geography, architecture, and micro-culture of deeply affordable and public housing in Columbia Heights, Petworth, Adams Morgan, Le Droit Park, Mt. Pleasant, Sixteenth Street Heights, and other neighborhoods of Northwest Washington. “Deeply affordable” refers to housing that’s priced for families earning no more than 30 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), which in the Washington area is $35, 160 a year. The project, completed by a multigenerational team of Washington residents, will focus on housing facilities with diverse populations that form mini-communities in neighborhoods with diverse housing options.

This project will provide the history, perspective, and stimulus for the interest that fuels understanding. Starting by thinking about space, buildings, and architecture; building with a review of history, and spotlighting mini-communities; this project will promote the reflection that impacts and leads to deeper interest.


The project will also contribute to positive community perceptions about mini-communities in both deeply affordable housing and public housing.


About This Website

This website is a repository of the images, information, and interviews related to the project  Concrete and Community. Images, information, and interviews on this site reflect the archival efforts of students and young adults in EP2 and BSF and presented in this blog style website for exploration.